Yup. We finally found it, and you can try them out for the first time in San Diego at our shop. This cup really captures the meaning of 'From Farm, to Cup'
Introducing, our new in-cafe cups...The Huskee Cup.
We've been in the market for a new cup to use. Our current cups are the tried and true NotNeutral cups which in all fairness, is THE industry standard. They're durable, beautiful, and designed by and for baristas. It was and still is revolutionary what Intellegentsia Coffee and NotNeutral did for the industry with these cups. When they broke out into the coffee scene, just about every specialty coffee shop used them.
We're fortunate that we can travel to where coffee grows and meet our producers. This gives us an understanding of the work that goes into coffee production. For good and bad. One of the great things we get out of it is we are able to buy directly and create a relationship with the people putting in the labor to produce the coffee we want and need. We also get to see all the areas that could use improvement, like all the waste produced to make coffee. Some places are more conscious of their practices, which is why we like to meet these producers so we can establish a partnership and help at the farm level.
So where does using a new cup play into this?
The Huskee Cup is a great example of partnering with a company that is doing something different with sustainability in mind. Manufactured by using coffee husk, the organic byproduct of the milling process in coffee, it gives repurpose to a product that would have otherwise have gone to waste.
As our business grows, we also create new goals to match growth. In our mission, one goal is to become more sustainable. That can be achieved in a number of ways (some more simple than others), and looking to partner with companies that have similar goals is a great way of doing it.
Our goal?
-Introduce as many of these reusable cups, made from coffee waste product, into our reachable market by showcasing their design and functionality in our shop. Then, continue our relationship with Huskee and become a reseller for these cups so you can use and enjoy and help continue the cycle wherever you go.
So, if you're an 'on the go' coffee drinker and doesn't have a reusable cup, don't worry, we're not here to scold you, because we're just as guilty, come in and try these cups out. If you like them, let us know. We'll be carrying a lot more of these soon for you to have for yourself.