This project has been in the works for a few years. The idea was to create a totally different brand, with a different chassis, but with the same engine that powers Ironsmith Coffee.
I was approached with this concept with a question from a friend who is now a co-founder and partner in Mesteeso Coffee:
"Why don't you use Brazilian coffee at Ironsmith?"
My answer was simple and to the point. "I'm never really impressed with what comes out of Brazil"
What immediately sparked between us was a dialogue that questioned the specialty coffee industry's status quo, at least in my perspective of the industry. The question was being asked by someone who didn't have my experience/perspective in the coffee industry. It was coming from a genuine and honest place that wanted to understand where my perspective of Brazilian Coffee came from.
To be completely honest, I knew there was great, if not amazing coffee coming out of Brazil. It's just not commonly procured or available. Maybe they all go to auction and never see the light of day through the normal market. Whatever the reason, I knew that my perspective wasn't 100% accurate.
If there is one thing I've learned being in this industry, it's that things never stay the same. Its a constantly evolving and morphing industry that figures new and improved methods continually. Quality of coffee isn't an exception.
I was intrigued with the concept of creating a coffee brand focused only on Brazilian coffee. Brazil being the largest exporter of coffee and second in consumption (the U.S is #1 in consumption), it deserves a better perception. Unfortunately, many coffee companies (from roasteries to actual farms) aren't Brazilian owned anymore. A lot of that has to do with economics, supply and demand and just plain capitalism. You can grow coffee in Brazil almost year around and companies looking to maximize profit know that. It's all just business, but to be fair, I don't see anything wrong with business. Although, what ends up being lost in all of that is something that is very difficult to regain...authenticity.
So, our mission? To create a brand that showcases the best of what Brazilian coffee has to offer. My partner is Brazilian, so this means more to him than just business. It's a way to bring back some light to a country that not only produces the most coffee, but also consumes it more than any other country. In my opinion, Brazil should be a leader in the specialty coffee industry. That's our goal.
So come check out Mesteeso Coffee opening at the Windmill Foodhall in Carlsbad this September. We're looking forward to showing you what Brazil has to offer.